Wednesday, April 15, 2015


It was multi cultural week at MSJ and people were eating food. Then a sound came from the sky. It was not a pleasant sound. The ground started to shake and a spacecraft uncloaked. Things, about 8 feet tall and looked bug like came out of the ship. They made a weird noise then started knocking people on the floor. They beat them, then took them back to the ship.

On the ship it was all dark. The creatures had barely any eyes so they must have been used to living in the dark. They dragged the people on the ground threw the ship. The people were taken to a empty room, about 20 feet wide and long with a grated floor with holes in it, to let liquid flow threw it. The walls started to move in and squeeze the people. They were squished into a mush and their blood ran down the floor into the ships fuel tank. The ship was fueled off of blood.

The creatures took about 100 or so people, and squished them all. They all got back into their ship, and took off, never to be seen again.

1 comment:

  1. Very creative and interesting story about multicultural week!
